4 Lessons I Learned From My Senior Math Project

A valuable experience

Albert Ming
6 min readApr 24, 2022
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Over the last few months, I have been exposed to an introduction in linear algebra, teaching myself the basics. It was for a project for my math class at school, which culminated in me giving my classmates an in-person lecture. Since linear algebra was a completely new topic to me, I did struggle from time to time with the mechanics and the reasoning behind the math, but in the end, I felt like I had a good grasp of all the topics I taught. Today, I want to reflect on a few lessons that I learned about math and myself as a result of this experience.

1. Endure

Linear algebra isn’t exactly easy. Even though I just covered the beginning parts of the topic, I needed to think a lot about what was really going on with the math, especially when I got to eigenvectors. I was expecting it to be hard. So, when it came down to it, I just had to read over the text more or consult extra online videos for help. In the end, this endurance proved to be key; as I mentioned before, certain topics within linear algebra took longer to understand. I needed to stay focused on understanding the math behind the mechanics, and if that meant looking over the work multiple times, I was ready to do so. As a result, I felt like the experience taught me both math and life skills. As I make the…

